Friday, April 20, 2012

BILA KUASA TERLEPAS........ini padahnya.

"Perancangan Kotor DAP Jika Menawan Putrajaya"

  1. Malaysia akan bertukarmenjadi negara republik
  2. Agama Rasmi kristian
  3. YDPA/ YDPN perlu dilantik dr kalangan bukan Melayu
  4. Sistem Raja berpelembagaan Akan dihapuskan
  5. Laungan azan x dibenarkan waktu Suboh ( Di Penang sekarang ada arahan diminta perlahankan) coz azan menganggu Cina nak tido dipagi hari.
  6. Pertandingan Tilawah Quran juga akan dihapuskan. Coz membazirkan duit rakyat dan negara Arab pun x buat pertandingan sebegini.
  7. Badan NGO berteraskan perjuangan orang Melayu akan dibubarkan (Pekida/Perkasa)
  8. Perkahwinan campuran akan digalakkan.
  9. Anak yg baru lahir x semestinya agama Islam sehinggalah anak itu 18 tahun baru dia pilih agama mereka secara mutlak.
  10. Subjek Inggeris akan dijadikan bahasa rasmi. Bahasa kedua rasmi adalah Mandarin. 
  11. Mata pelajaran agama Islam akan dimansuhkan disekolah. Nak belajor hanya di masjid/surau. Sekiranya org Melayu nak juga diajar disekolah subjek Kristian, Hindu,Buddha juga kena diajarkan disekolah.
  12. Chin Peng akan dibenarkan balik semula ke Malaysia dan di beri gelaran TUN. Nga Dan Ngeh adlh anak saudara Chin Peng.
  13. MARA Akan dibubarkan coz jabatan RASIS hanya untuk org Melayu semata2.
  14. Syarikat GLC akan diterajui oleh org bukan Melayu. Org Melayu x bijak berniaga hanya orang Cina yang terbaik dalam ekonomi.
  15. Lagu negaraku akan diubah suaikan. Di PRN Sarawak lalu ada dinyanyikan lagu negaraku & bendera baru Malaysia jg sudah ada hanya tunggu menang sahaja ke Putrajaya dan tubuhkan negara republik.
  16. Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja akan dibubarkan kerana dominasi untuk orang Melayu sahaja.
  17. Ketua Panglima Angkatan Tentera & Ketua Polis Negara akan dilantik dari kalangan orang Cina.
  18. Kakitangan kerajaan dari kalangan Melayu akan dikurangan terutamanya kementerian pelajaran coz nak bawa masuk lebih ramai guru Cina & India.
  19. 3 agensi Akan ditutup BTN, KEMAS Dan MKN.
  20. Good Friday Dan Easter Day akan jd cuti wajib Malaysia untuk memuliakan hari besar Kristian.
  21. Kedutaan Israel akan diwujudkan di Malaysia 
  22. (DAP dpt 300 jutaUSD diberikan oleh yahudi & duit diparking di bank Singapura sementara waktu standby utk PRU 13 nie.
  23. Base Tentera Israel akan diwujudkan di Port Dickson.
  24. Majlis agama Islam akan dibubarkan. Wujudkan Suruhanjaya IFC
  25. Wang zakat akan diguna sama oleh orang bukan Islam. 
  26. Mahkamah Syariah dibubarkan.
  27. DEB akan dimansuhkan.
  28. Parti yg berteraskan agama akan dibubarkan (PAS)
  29. Ketua Paderi Kristian akan dilantik sbg Menteri seperti Dato' Jamil Khir.

18 tuntutan hindraf

Part of the 18 point Demand In Hindraf Memorandum

1. End 50 years of violations of the Malaysian Federal Constitution.
2. Try to End Racism, Islamic extremism and Malay privileges on the 50th year golden jubilee celebrations of Malaysian independence.
3. Call for affirmative action plans for all poor Malaysians including ethnic minority Indians.
4. All 523 Tamil schools to be made fully aided government schools.
5. All the aforesaid to e handled directly by the UMNO-controlled government and for UMNO to stop playing politics through the "Mandore" (Supervisor) system by abdicating Indian problems to the MIC.
6. 20% of the government top most level posts are reserved for the Indians for the next 15 years.
7. The UMNO-controlled government makes public and is transparent on all the the aforesaid affirmative action plan including specifying the Indian beneficiaries thereto.
8. Stop the indiscriminate and unconstitutional demolitions of Hindu temples.
9. Stop the victimization and direct discrimination by the Police and all other state authorities of the Indians.
10. The UMNO-controlled government forms with immediate effect a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Kampung Medan mini genocide.
11. All homeless Malaysians are to be provided affordable homes and not low-cost flats by law.
12. A Race Relations Commission Act and an Equal Opportunities Commission Act to be enacted to end direct discrimination and racism in both the public and private sectors.
13. A minimum of 20 opposition members of parliament are elected exclusively by the Indian community to represent their interest at the highest political level.
14. Appeal to refer Malaysia to the world court and international criminal court for crimes against it’s own ethnic minority Indians.

(15) A Royal Commission of Inquiry is initiated to report on the aforesaid constitutional violations by the UMNO controlled government and appropriate recommendations for amongst others further affirmative action plans for especially the 70% Indian poor and hardcore poor category.
(16) All forms of racial and religious discrimination, oppression and suppression of the Indians / Hindus in both the public and private sectors are stopped with immediate effect and a Race Relations Commission Act 2007, an Equal Opportunities Commission Act 2007 and a Freedom of Religion Commissions Act 2007 be passed and powerful Commission thereto be put into force to give effect to anti racism, anti Islamic extremism and anti direct discrimination practices by the UMNO controlled government in both the public and private sectors.
(17) The UMNO controlled government passes specific laws to give effect to the Independence of the Judiciary, the Attorney General’s Chambers, Civil service, Police Force, Army, the Malaysian Human Rights Commission and the Malaysian media and for the Opposition parties, NGOs’ Civil Society groups, Bar Council and the media not to discriminate and side step Indian issues but instead to voice out the same without fear or favour. The Malaysian media is also to be legislated to report the real happenings especially on the 70% Indian poor and hardcore poor without fear or favour.
(18) A minimum of 20 Opposition members of Parliament are elected exclusively by the Indian Community to represent their interest at the highest political level and also as a Parliamentary Democracy check and balance and the same is safeguarded and entrenched into the Federal Constitution and which is to be increased proportionately with the increase in Parliamentary seats.
Proposer: P.Waytha Moorthy Seconder: V.K Regu; (Chairman, Hindraf) (Secretary, Hindraf) Compiled by P.Uthayakumar legal Adviser, Hindraf based on the ground reality, sentiments, pulse, blood, sweat and tears of the Malaysian Indians after 50 years of marginalisation, discrimination, oppression and suppression by the UMNO controlled Malaysian Government.

 Gabungan Jawatankuasa Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong), 
Tuntutan Dong Zong nyata mencabar kesabaran bangsa Melayu. Antara tuntutan yang mendesak Kementerian Pelajaran mengambil tindakan serta-merta ialah:-
  • Memindah keluar semua guru yang tidak mempunyai kelayakan Bahasa Mandarin peringkat SPM dari sekolah rendah Cina
  • Menyediakan kursus khas untuk guru Bahasa Mandarin yang mengajar Bahasa melayu (BM) atau Bahasa Inggeris (BI) sekurang-kurangnya bagi tempoh tiga tahun, bagi membolehkan mereka layak untuk mengajar ketiga-tiga matapelajaran iaitu Bahasa Mandarin, BM dan BI
  • Membuat reformasi silibus latihan guru bagi memastikan lebih ramai guru boleh berbahasa Mandarin yang diperlukan di sekolah-sekolah Cina
  • Mengkaji semula Akta Pendidikan bagi memastikan sekolah vernakular diberi status yang sama dan dijamin kedudukannya sebagai sebahagian sistem pendidikan kebangsaan.


Apa itu IFC(Inter Faith Commission)

IFC berasal dari IRC( Inter Religion Council ) yang merupakan Suruhanjaya Antara Kepercayaan yang dicadangkan sebagai sebuah badan berkanun yang mempunyai kuasa undang-undang yang boleh mengubah ajaran sesetengah agama(cth: Agama Islam) atas desakan penganut agama lain. IFC berfungsi seakan SUHAKAM yang turut menerima dan melayan aduan berkaitan agama.

IFC ditubuhkan oleh Malaysian Consultative Council Of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism dan Sikhism atau singkatannya MCCBCHS ataupun Majlis Perundingan Malaysia Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu dan Sikh melalui memorandum bertarikh 21 Ogos 2001 kepada Majlis Peguam Negara.

Matlamat Penubuhan IFC

IFC ditubuhkan untuk membolehkan mereka meminda beberapa ajaran asas Islam yang boleh merosakkan akidah umat Islam serta lebih berpihak kepada orang bukan Islam.

Ancaman Daripada 14 Tuntutan IFC Terhadap Umat Islam
1.Seseorang anak yang dilahirkan oleh ibubapa Islam tidak seharusnya secara terus menjadi orang Islam.
2.Orang-orang bukan Islam yang telah memeluk Islam hendaklah diberikan kebebasan untuk kembali ke agama asal mereka(murtad) dan tidak boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
3.Sebarang kes pertukaran agama orang Islam kepada bukan Islam tidak sepatutnya dikendalikan oleh mahkamah syariah tetapi dikendalikan oleh mahkamah sivil.
4.Tidak perlu dicatatkan di dalam kad pengenalan seseorang Muslim bahawa ia beragama Islam
Orang bukan Islam tidak perlu dikehendaki menganut Islam sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan orang Islam. Orang Islam hendaklah dibenarkan keluar daripada Islam(murtad) sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan orang bukan Islam tanpa boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
6.Seseorang atau pasangan suami-isteri yang menukar agamanya dengan memeluk Islam tidak patut diberikan hak penjagaan anak.
7.Orang-orang yang bukan Islam yang mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dengan seorang yang memeluk Islam hendaklah diberikan hak menuntut harta pusakanya selepas kematiannya..
8.Kerajaan hendaklah menyediakan dana yang mencukupi untuk membina dan menyelenggara rumah-rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam sebagaimana kerajaan menyediakan dana yang serupa untuk masjid.
9.Orang-orang bukan Islam hendaklah dibenarkan dan tidak boleh dihalang daripada menggunakan perkataan-perkataan suci Islam dalam percakapan dan sebagainya.
10.Bibel dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Indonesia sepatutnya dibenarkan untuk diedarkan kepada umum secara terbuka.
11.Pelajaran agama bukan Islam untuk penganut agama itu hendaklah diajar di semua sekolah.
12.Program-program berunsur Islam dalam bahasa ibunda sesuatu kaum hendaklah ditiadakan. Program dakwah agama lain selain Islam pula hendaklah dibenarkan untuk disiarkan dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing.
13.Orang-orang Islam yang membayar zakat tidak sepatutnya dikecualikan daripada membayar cukai pendapatan dan wang hasil zakat sepatutnya digunakan juga untuk keperluan orang-orang bukan Islam.
14.Sepatutnya islam tidak disebut sebagai pilihan pertama masyarakat Malaysia seperti dalam soal pakaian menutup aurat kepada pelajar sekolah.
Ancaman Utama IFC terhadap Islam
1.Membuka ruang seluas-luasnya kepada orang bukan Islam mencampuri Hal Ehwal Agama Islam.
2.Menjadikan undang-undang Allah pertu tunduk kepada norma-norma antarabangsa yang dicipta manusia yang jelas menjejaskan aqidah.
3. Orang-orang Islam bebas melakukan apa saja tanpa batasan.
4. Orang-orang Islam bebas untuk murtad.
5.IFC berhak untuk menentukan status agama seseorang.

Sebagai umat Islam yang berpegang teguh kepada ajaran Islam yang disampaikan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W., kita haruslah menentang sekeras-kerasnya penubuhan IFC. Tiada satu pun agama di dunia ini yang sanggup menerima campurtangan oleh mereka yang bukan penganutnya. Penubuhan IFC pastinya akan menimbulkan ketegangan antara agama yang bakal menggugat keselamatan negara.

Majlis Peguam telah menerima memorandum untuk menuntut pelaksanaan 14 tuntutan IFC yang jelas sekali bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Dalam kes Lina Joy yang murtad, Ambiga telah mempertikaikan pelaksanaan hukum syariah di bawah Perkara 121(1A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan dengan menyatakan kebebasan beragama turut termaktub kepada semua penganut agama Islam.
Beliau turut mengadakan forum mengenai memeluk agama Islam pada 9 Ogos 2008 yang membincangkan dan mempertikaikan secara terbuka Perkara 121 (1A). Biarpun mendapat bantahan daripada orang Islam, namun Majlis Peguam yang diterajui oleh Ambiga tetap meneruskan forum tersebut.
Justeru penganalisis politik berpendapat tindak tanduk Ambiga memperlihatkan diri beliau sebagai seorang yang tidak menghormati undang-undang dan perlembagaan dan dengan itu orang Melayu terutamanya harus memikirkan semula hasrat untuk menyertai perhimpunan haram 9 Julai yang diketuai oleh Ambiga.

The List of 29 Ways Towards an LGBTIQ-Friendly Malaysia

  1. Don't use terms associated with LGBTIQs as slurs.  Don't use terms like “gay”, “fag”, “dyke”, “pondan”, “bapok”, “pengkid”, “ah qua”, etc. to disparage, insult, or hurt anyone, whether gay or straight. Don't perpetuate homophobic or transphobic jokes to tease someone or at the expense of LGBTIQs.

  2. Don't harass/threaten/stare.  If you notice a transgender or same-sex couple being affectionate, etc. don't stare. Don't laugh or sneer or do anything to make them feel threatened or uncomfortable. Show compassion and respect.

  3. Take a stand against homophobia and transphobia.  When someone is ridiculed, bullied, teased, or harassed for being LGBTIQ, stand up for them. If the problem is widespread, report it to the authorities (if they are unhelpful, email us). Refuse to tolerate or participate in creating a homophobic or transphobic space.

  4. Refer to individuals and groups as they would want to be identified.  If someone identifies as female, use "she", if male, use "he", and if you are not sure, politely ask. Use gender-neutral and inclusive pronouns when referring to a group of persons.
  5. Don't assume that there is only one way to be male or female.  Don't ridicule others for how they express their gender identity just because it contradicts or offends your ideas.
  6. Challenge society's attempts to box us into neat gender roles.  Be creative in countering the dichotomies of male vs female, effeminate vs butch, virgin vs whore, etc. Share your own stories. Make films, make art. Write poems and songs. Show that we are all so much more complex than we get credit for being.
  7. Create safe spaces for LGBTIQs.  Make flyers that carry the symbol for queer safe spaces (or use a rainbow or other queer symbol if you prefer!). Pin one up in your office or room. Discuss with friends what it means to be in a safe space. Make extra copies to hand out to friends so they too can help create safe spaces in their work place or school or organisation.
  8. Support your LGBTIQ friend.  If your friend or acquaintance comes out to you (i.e., tells you that they are queer), be kind and accepting, and let them know that your friendship does not depend on their gender identity or sexual orientation.
  9. Support your LGBTIQ family member/loved one.  If your family member comes out to you, accept and support them. Whatever you think of their life choices, trust that they are not acting to hurt you but only to pursue their happiness. Don't underestimate their need for affirmation and acceptance from loved ones.
  10. Respect people's right to privacy.  Relationships between consenting adults are their own business. Similarly, everyone has the right to choose when to come out/identify as LGBTIQ. If you know or suspect a person to be LGBTIQ but that person is not out, don't out him or her. This is each person's own decision to make.
  11. Get educated on the issues.  Try and understand the perspective of LGBTIQs as well as the history of and theory behind sexuality rights and queer rights. Start a reading group or study circle on issues related to sexuality rights. Click here for some suggested reading material.
  12. Learn the law.  Find out about laws relevant to LGBTIQs and same-sex couples. Note how some laws criminalise consensual victimless acts, diminish the human dignity of LGBTIQs, or prevent their full participation in society. Learn about your rights if stopped by the police or RELA or the Islamic Affairs Department. You never know when this information might be useful.
  13. Tell your MP you support sexuality rights.  Write to your elected representative to say you support sexuality rights (and therefore they should too!). Click here for a template email and contact information.
  14. Tell the government to respect, protect, and promote sexuality rights.  Sign this petition calling for the Malaysian government to stop discriminating against LGBTIQs and regulating the gender expressions and sexual behaviour of any and all Malaysians, whatever their gender identity or sexual orientation.
  15. Take a stand against homophobic and transphobic media.  Sign this memorandum calling for the positive portrayal of LGBTIQs in the media. If your newspaper, magazine, TV channel, or radio station carries homophobic or transphobic pseudo-news or programmes, write to them (or to an alternative media channel) to complain. Click here for the contact information of major media outlets.
  16. Tell SUHAKAM to support sexuality rights.  Write to SUHAKAM to let them know that you think sexuality rights is a fundamental human right and they should work harder to support LGBTIQs. Click here for a template letter and contact information.
  17. Support the right to bodily autonomy and dignity of all persons.  Sexuality rights include respect for bodily autonomy and dignity. Bodily autonomy is the right to determine for yourself what is right for your own body; bodily dignity the right to be treated with care and respect and to be safe from bodily harm or exploitation. Do not reduce people to sexual objects. Do not support products that rely on the objectification of others, specifically of women, in their ads.
  18. Support initiatives that seek to democratise Malaysia.  Sexuality rights cannot be seen as a separate set of rights from, for example, freedom of expression, freedom of association, or freedom of movement. Together, we have to work for a free and independent judiciary, free press, and a government that is accountable to all Malaysians, irrespective of gender identity and sexual orientation.
  19. Read the Yogyakarta Principles pertaining to sexuality rights.  These principles apply international human rights law to gender identity and sexual orientation. Discuss them with friends. Use them as a guide to help understand the rights that everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, ought to be able to expect.
  20. Support the work of organisations and initiatives that address sexuality rights issues in Malaysia.  Click here for a list of these groups. Volunteer to help them. Make a donation. Support them by joining their mailing lists and attending their events.
  21. Don't assume God hates queers.  Some LGBTIQs are religious, and some religious people are strong advocates of sexuality rights for LGBTIQs. Don't assume that LGBTIQ identities and practices are antithetical to religious principles. Learn how some scholars and advocates have argued in support of LGBTIQ rights. (You need not agree with them, but don't ignore their arguments.) Click here for some links to get you started.
  22. Reflect on the nature of desire and identity; empathise accordingly.  Think about your male and female friends. What does it mean to be male or female, really? Think about your sexual desires and practices and what it means to be in love―Is love only possible among heterosexual, gender normative people? You don't need to answer these questions, but do reflect on them.
  23. Come out as an LGBTIQ supporter/ally.  Sexuality rights is relevant and important for everyone, not just LGBTIQs. Allies are those who support the community on principled grounds, who take a stand against discrimination and persecution on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. And who do so proudly.
  24. If you are LGBTIQ, be proud and reach out.  As much as possible, try to be open and honest about who you are. Support other LGBTIQs and those questioning their identity.
  25. Champion change in homophobic and transphobic environments.  If your office/club/school/place of worship faces a homophobic or transphobic environment, host an action (e.g., write a letter, host a sit-in, organise a protest, hold a forum, throw a diversity party, etc.) to address the issue.
  26. Attend Seksualiti Merdeka.  The annual sexuality rights festival is held around the end of the year. Better yet, volunteer or join the organising team. Check out the website for more information, and email if you'd like to be a part of this festival.
  27. Support/link to this campaign.  Use this virtual badge on your blog or website to declare yourself a supporter of this campaign. Or link to this page using Facebook or Twitter. Tell your friends! Blog about us! Tweet our #29Ways!

  28. Join this campaign.  We plan to host actions on the 29th of every month, and we are always looking for more people to be part of the team. Share your ideas and talents, and help us achieve an LGBTIQ-friendly Malaysia! Email us with the subject heading "Count me in!"
  29. Start your own sexuality rights initiative or campaign.  Don't wait for others to take the lead. Email us, and we will do our best to support your activism.

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